Clutter-Free Spaces
Live a Clutter-Free, Organized Life for the New Year
Pandemic and Clutter
If there’s anything the 2-year– and still ongoing pandemic– has taught us, it is how we are able to utilize our homes to its full capacity to cater our work-from-home setups, and how we made do with what we have propelled by the nationwide lockdown. It was a mentally, physically challenging feat and it brought about streams of anxiety and depression since being holed up inside our homes for months is something no one really saw coming. The pandemic has forcibly put everyone into deep reflection: career and health-wise aside, it also brought up mental health awareness and how important it is to stay sane through it all. With only the corners of your home to keep you company, you inevitably become aware of every single thing that you otherwise won’t notice in your day-to-day basis: like how cluttered your space is, and how everything is haphazardly strewn around the house. The unorganised storm that is your home then threw you in some sort of a frenzy: you began to tidy up your space in earnest with the intention of having a liveable space and at the same time, to snap yourself out of your boredom. Sounds familiar? Of course it is. It’s what you and I did after all. As our lives begin to shift back to normalcy, especially this upcoming 2023, it is important to maintain the clean and organised mindset we acquired during the pandemic to bring into the new year. So why is it important?
How Clutter Impacts our Well-Being
A cluttered space is a cluttered mind. You know how we can’t bring ourselves to work until our workstations are neat and tidy? It’s because our environment plays a big role on how we move forward with our daily tasks. Think of it as a blank canvas– artists and designers work with a clean slate in producing new ideas from scratch. The blank paper drives their creative juices into fruition. Clutter could be really distracting, and the thought of having to organise these items when we are already used to their unkempt appearance seems like a daunting task. While it does seem overwhelming, the best way to address clutter is to do it one step at a time. Here are some tips to incorporate a clutter-free lifestyle.
Make Clean Interiors a Daily Habit
That certain sock that’s missing its pair? Keep them inside the drawers. That favourite mug of yours that somehow made its home atop of your dresser, where a permanent circular stain has made its mark? That, too, has got to go. Keeping things organised doesn’t necessarily mean a huge overhaul in one go. The simple art of tidying up could do wonders for your interior spaces. Anyone could have the most well-designed space, but if the items are in disarray, these eyesores would garner more attention than your ten-thousand dollar wall art. After all, a clean space equals order and uniformity, and a neat home triumphs every time.
2. Keep your Surfaces Neat
Depending on what purpose it serves, keeping your tables neat and organised is one way to show a well-kept home. For example, your coffee table should only consist of a few magazines and accessories to accentuate your home. No unnecessary items should be thrown about such as a random plate or a can of beer. The less items your surfaces have, the more neat-looking it appears.
3. Hide Your Wires and Cables
Aside from not wanting to trip over your cables, seeing them dangling on the side is really aneyesore. There are various ways to keep them organised such as incorporating a sleek moulding where you could hide them in a sleek fashion, or make use of a storage box specifically made for chords where all of them meet in one place.
4. Display Your Items Pleasingly
It really is a tempting feat to show off that golden elephant figure you bought from your Thailand trip years ago, and the set of plates you only bring out whenever there’s guests around. There is a way to display these items without making it seem like they’re cluttered and unorganised. Implement shelving units, or built-in shelves that are directly mounted on the walls, and you could also consider a beautiful china display cabinet where you could store your various knick knacks in one, organized place.
5. Respect the Sanctity of Each Room
Naturally, a home is a safe haven. It’s the place where you express your truest self after spending the whole day outside fulfilling various roles for various reasons. You kick off your shoes and then you plop down on the sofa and turn Netflix on. You try to push the day’s work to the back of your head since being at home instinctively calls for it. But how do you draw the line when your home also serves as your workstation, given that modern times lean towards hybrid work setups?
By incorporating a home office. By designating a certain spot for your workspace, you allow yourself to be more productive compared to working inside your bedroom or living room. Imagine working at home with the full view of your comfortable bed distracting you. You would most certainly have a hard time finishing tasks and you would rather melt into your soft sheets. Respect the sanctity and purpose of each room by creating boundaries and sticking to it. Just like you eat at your dining tables and workout at your home gym, utilising rooms based on their intended purpose helps your flow better and it ensures optimal performance from your end.
Practicing minimalism also helps. It is not just about having a few things, all-white spaces, and living in an almost-bare space, but it could also mean organising your space in a way that would be beneficial for you and your well-being. The tips stated above are baby steps that aim to help you gradually make your way towards having an organised space that would significantly improve your quality of life. After all, everything starts at home.